Frequently Asked Questions
How does Ooga Booga ensure the best rates?
Ooga Booga currently aggregates 11+ liquidity sources within the Berachain ecosystem, wrapping, staking, depositing and swapping through multiple functions to achieve this.
Which liquidity sources does Ooga Booga currently aggregate?
What are the fees associated with using Ooga Booga?
See fees
What are the risks associated with using an aggregator?
The primary risks come from incorrect user settings; it is important to understand slippage and price impact. Output guards ensure that a minimum amount of output tokens are always achieved.
My transaction keeps failing. Where can I contact support?
Contact our team in Discord.
Can I revoke access to liquidity sources after I’ve used them and can I do this on Ooga Booga?
To use Ooga Booga, approvals for individual liquidity sources is inherently not required, so liquidity sources don’t have access or approvals in the first place. You can however revoke access to Ooga Booga’s router through tools such as
Will I get any points or rewards by using the aggregator?
Ooga Booga.